ISBN 1-57951-071-X 

192 pages 



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Get Peak Performance 
Every Day
How to Manage Like a Coach
Dr. Beverly Potter

GET PEAK PERFORMANCE tells how to manage like a coach. Docpotter explains that  while many managers strive to be liked, "nice guys" make bum bosses because they are often vague in their directives and withhold feedback that employees need to improve.  Drill instructor-type managers make better bosses because employees know where they stand and what is expected, but they don't create a team.  Managers who funciton like coaches make the best bosses because they develop their staff as individuals and as a team so that they can peformance at their peak.

In GET PEAK PERFORMANCE Docpotter offers a simple but powerful model for integrating coaching into everyday management responsibilities.  TASC Plus is a step-by-step process for conveying performance expectations and providing feedback on progress towards achieving them, as well as for negotiating future performance goals and providing reinforcing acknowledgement for on-tasc performance.

GET PEAK PERFORMANCE explains the theoretical basis of scientific behavior - behavior mod - and proven strategies for eliminating unproductive behavior and promoting peak performance everyday.  Docpotter describes how to use reinforcement - tailored rewords - along with other techniques like pinpointing, goal setting, shaing, and modeling in the everyday work environment to generate motivation to perform at one's peak.

Anyone who manages people, including kids, in the workplace, at school, on the ball field, and at home will benefit form reading GET PEAK PERFORMANCE and find it a valued addition to their library.



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